What is a Hackerspace?
Hackerspaces are community-operated physical places, where people share their interest in tinkering with technology, meet and work on their projects, and learn from each other.
Who can join a Hackerspace?
Hackerspaces are open to anyone! It's all about sharing ideas and helping each other to build amazing projects and learn new skills.
When is this happening?
The aim is to get a Bendigo Hackerspace up and running by the end of 2018 so we can have members start using the space at the start of 2019.
What are we looking for?
To get this project off the ground we're going to need a lot of support from a core group of volunteers. Once we have formed an Incorporated Not-For-Profit, the next stage will be to secure the following:
- A fixed location
- Sponsors
- Equipment Donations
- Members
Any support or sponsorship that could be offered to the group would not go unappreciated.
What programs will we offer?
We have a diverse range of people in the group that have experience across different platforms. Programs will be offered as sessions that will be free for members and may attract a small fee for non-members to attend.
Topics include:
- Basic Electronics
- Girls in STEM
- Arduino
- 3D Printing
- Rapid Prototyping
- Robotics
- Home Automation
- CNC and more
Get in touch with us!
We would love to hear from you if you could help us out in anyway. Please send us an email at info [at] bendigohackerspace.org and we can have a conversation with you about helping out.